Saturday, January 26, 2019

And Again

I know, it's been months. The problem isn't remember do draw. I do that all the time, but trying to think of what to say in a blog where I post the art is the challenge. I don't want to prattle on about the piece, I just want to post it and be done.

So, in order to keep posting but prevent the intimidation factor, I'll just drop in some drawings once in a while with minimal comment and if anyone wants to know more about a piece, they are free to leave a comment and I will answer.

So here's some Voltron: Legendary Defender fan art, starting from back in May 2018

Shiro as a koi merman for Mermay 2018

Allura and Shiro looking as 80s as possible.

Shiro with his new, all white hair after the end of season 6.