Friday, June 22, 2018

(Belated) The Start of 2018

This has been sitting in my drafts for over a month because first I couldn't think of anything to say and then I completely forgot about it, as often happens. My bad.

Voltron's official social media has given Hunk's birthday as January 13th, so I drew this for the occasion. Yeah, it was that long ago.

A little Allura and Shiro (Voltron) from a whie back that was mostly for coloring and fabric practice.

Shiro's birthday has been official listed as February 29th by the official Voltron social media accounts, but this year it was celebrated the beginning of March. Of course I had to draw my favorite character having a much deserved nap with his lion.

So this ended up being all Voltron but at least they're all in color. I'll try to update quicker next time...