Monday, August 8, 2011

Dreaming in Pencil

Last night while goofing around on some vintage clothing websites to find things some of the characters I write would wear, I came across something I wouldn't mind wearing. This one right here .

Now, a lot of dresses on Modcloth are just plain gaudy and awful, and I'd never have an excuse to buy that one, but being an artist means I can not only pretend, but show my imaginings on paper. After this is finished, I'll be totally satisfied. It helps, however, that I don't actually want to buy it to begin with.

Oh, and some scribbles in pen from church...
The lady in black lingerie wasn't supposed to look that skanky, it just happened.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, I was scrolling through my blog list, and you had this sketch, and then my sister in law had a dress she's just made with a similar pattern (but in blue check):

    I think it's a style that really needs to come back. I'd wear that like a shot.
