Sunday, September 24, 2017

I Am A Bean! (Also There's Voltron Art)

Once upon a time I had an original character whom I used to depict myself. But over the last few years I've outgrown her, I guess. The need to draw myself as a character with a story just doesn't exist anymore, and I didn't have an actual caricature of myself to draw just for fun and silliness.

And then a friend called me a bean (out of endearment) and I had to make the Liz-Bean a reality. So here she is. She's fun and simple to draw, which makes for a great way to loosen up while I'm drawing.

July 28th was Lance's birthday, so as is now customary I drew him with his Lion, Blue. Looks like he's feeling a bit homesick though, poor thing.

A couple friends of mine really enjoy the concept as Shiro as a strong, tough woman, so I indulged them by trying to conceptualize that. We're all pleased with the result. She looks adorable but strong, I think.

Lastly a quick Lance drawing inspired by the lid on my microwave soup cup... because it's something he'd wear. For optimal flirting. With that shirt and finger guns he can't lose.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! XD and I love all the little liz beans! they are really fun <3
