Or at least I assume you are. You're definitely not here for blog titles.
This entry has some nice variety too, I think. Not just in subject matter but in media and the amount of color.
Attack on Titan Season 2 started airing in April... four years after Season 1. But! It was worth the wait. It has gorgeous animation, beautiful music, and it's great to see all my favorites again, especially Hanji.
Strong, intelligent Hanji who can lift grown men without breaking a sweat. Hence the drawing.
Finally rented Moana a while ago from Redbox, and I loved it so much. All of it was amazing, and the music really sticks with a person. One of the songs inspired me to do this drawing of Shiro from Voltron, before he left for the fateful Kerberos mission.
Originally the song is about the ocean, but it could really apply to space too, and how Shiro dreamed of exploring it.
Another Voltron character's birthday was on April 3rd, Pidge! So Pidge and the green lion. I am slowly learning to draw lions semi-decently if not Disney-esque.

And finally something from back in February. It was actually a valentine's gift for a friend of mine of two of her favorite characters, Shiro from Voltron and Mikasa from Attack on Titan. Also muscles because why not. Muscles that... actually turned out decently.

OMG I love these!!!