My Toshiba laptop of five years, Marvin, more or less passed away on Friday. He was a good computer, and far outlasted his planned obsolescence. Granted this was mainly due to my continually and stubbornly replacing parts on him. He will be missed, especially right now as I'm in the limbo of awaiting his replacement.
Right now I'm using my cute little back-up laptop. It's an HP mini that's mostly just used when Marvin is out of commission or when I'm really feeling the multitasking mojo. Alas, his 9X5 inch screen and small amount of RAM is not meant for graphic-heavy tasks like Paint Tool SAI, so I've had to take a different route with Week 4.
Basically I printed out what I had so far, transferred it onto clean paper with carbon paper, and inked it. Tonight and tomorrow will be the coloring phases and hopefully it will be finished on Wednesday as I intended. This is a photo of the paper so hopefully by then I'll have a better means of putting it on my computer too.
Waterhsip Down painting, however, is finished. Hazel looks much better now and less like a donkey-guinea pig hybrid. I also tried to make the roots look more dirty and like part of the ground rather than just mutant worms.
My next painting is going to be a sort of symbolic image for
The Hunger Games.