Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 24: Starting Fresh

As any individual will ascertain, whether they are an artist or not, plans often don't come through how said individual would have preferred. In the case of this individual, that failed plan would be Week 23's project, which was the water department building near my house. Not only did I fail to bring a drafting ruler with me on the trip (can you imagine taking that onto the return flight as carry-on? I sure can't), but failed to even open the larger sketchbook with the actual Work In Progress inside.

Casual sketching was something I mustered a little energy for, but nothing amazing resulted. My current solution is to take a deep breath, accept some form of defeat (nothing finished, but at least I didn't ignore more artistic needs completely) and simply pick up where I left off. Why not?

As of now, "Art Weeks" start Monday rather than Saturday, but as long as seven days to finish something are involved there's no real sacrifice here.

Now... what in the world am I going to draw this week?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you were on vacation! Don't beat yourself up about it.

    Draw a tornado and one of them shelf clouds.
