Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week Thirty is Almost There

Hopefully this is "abstracted" enough for my professor, because that's as abstract as I'm willing to make it. All that's left to be done is to add a bit more to the flame at the top in the very corner. I had to make a frame for this painting. It was a fiasco that I don't want to discuss.

I also finally did some art for myself. Just a simple character sketch.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week Thirty Is Stubborn

At the mid-critique yesterday, the professor stepped onto his soap box about none of us doing Abstract Expressionism correctly. One of his major complaints was that they were all too "figurative", though he didn't spend time on mine specifically he was referring to a few of them.

At this point, however, I have to put my foot down. It reminds me of my earlier years in school where I threw fits about having to do abstract things that I hated, but as a senior now I feel that I know what I want, whether it's exactly what the teacher is looking for or not. I'm not going to ruin something I'm proud of for the sake of a grade.

The painting isn't done, but if the professor wants the figure to disappear completely he's out of luck. I spent too much time planning and executing this and used too much paint to turn it into something I hate. So yes, there will be alterations, but I'm not going to destroy what I consider the integrity of this piece.

Also, a Google search turned up abstract expressionist art that does have a figure to it. So there.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week Thirty-Ish?

So while I haven't started any new personal work recently, this new painting assignment is really exciting. I'm not usually into abstraction but the movement and going crazy with the brush strokes is really fun. It's probably fairly obvious, but the idea here is fire dancing. There's a lot of neat videos on YouTube that make for great inspiration.

The in-progress critiques for this is on Monday.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week Twenty Nine Finally Ends

It's Friday and I'm worn out, so all I have left to say for this is "Happy Early Birthday" to my friend Ember!

Hetalia fanart in case anyone forgot.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Derailing from Week Twenty-Nine For A Bit

The first painting of the semester for Intermediate painting was something like completed last night, and so transferring it from my house to the bus to my first class to the actual painting studio was a bit of a chore since oil paint is never in a hurry to dry. Anyway, there were things I wasn't happy with and thanks to the critique I know what I can do to improve it... which will happen eventually. At least by the end of the semester. For now, it's time to consider my next painting.

Also, here's a fun little thing that I painted during a craft therapy-session with a couple of friends over Labor Day weekend. If woodworking and I weren't mortal enemies, I'd take off the front and re-attach it with a hinge so that I could decorate the inside too. Alas, it's not meant to be.

I'll try to have my friend's birthday drawing done by the end of this week, since that's kinda what I meant to do for Twenty Nine anyway.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week Twenty-Nine or Something

I've been meaning to update for at least two weeks and then forgetting as soon as it occurs to me. Since I'm working on a drawing outside of class, however, I guess it qualifies as another Weekly Art.
And yes, I'm going to try again next year. I'll only have one semester of school to contend with, after all, since I graduate in May.

This is an incredibly early birthday gift for a friend. She's already seen it up to this point, though by now it's also been inked and I've started coloring it. Her birthday isn't until the end of September, but I figure why not start the party early? That and I wanted to work on it when the inspiration was there.
And here's more of the painting for my studio class. It's progressed more since this photo was taken, but not much. It's due on Wednesday, but my plan is to take it home tomorrow and finish it over the weekend.

Also, I would like to submit a question to anyone who happens to read this. For my Mixed Media class I've been making collages cut from magazines and such. We're doing several of them as exercises until mid-term, and then we'll start working more independently. I really enjoy them, however, and I think they turn out rather interesting. Would any of you want to see them uploaded here?